Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Little Things

So I was driving my sister to school yesterday and as we were driving down our street I saw the mountains in front of us with the clouds just hanging around the peak and the clouds were formed and billowing and just gorgeous and then in a divide of the mountains the sun comes through just under the clouds. Oh it was beautiful!! I don't know if I described it right but it was so beautiful. I missed those kind of mornings in Canada. They don't have Mountains in Eastern Canada. They try to make you believe they do, but all they have are hills.
Well after my beautiful morning scene, I drove up to WSU for Spanish Class and then to the dentist for what was supposed to be a really minor fix. Then he added two more fillings onto that when he found two cavities. It was great. I left with my whole left side numb. I couldn't feel my ear! I came home and took what was supposed to be an hour nap. Yeah I woke up four hours later. I guess I was a little tired. :) Well then I couldn't sleep last night oops. Now I am so tired today. I will sleep tonight! Well I'm off to catch my second bus.

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