Monday, November 16, 2009

The Cold!

Well I didn't sleep again last night. It was okay cause I basically slept this whole weekend, for example I didn't even get up until 4:30 yesterday. That's in the afternoon! So I didn't go to sleep and I'm still pretty wide awake right now. On my morning bus commute, I get a txt, phone call and my mom calls saying I just received a call on my home phone from WSU saying that today is H1N1 flu shot today. I haven't been to scared about that whole thing. But I do have asthma, so my mom told me I should go. It's at another building across campus so I get off the bus early and hike up the hill. Well because it's so cold and I'm hiking, I start having an asthma attack. But of course I don't have an inhaler cause why would I be smart and carry one of those around with me for these occasions. I read the signs and I don't qualify to get a shot today, so that makes me even more upset cause now I'm having an asthma attack and it is all in vain. So I go wait for the shuttle bus to take me back to campus. Normally when I get off the bus I'm right in front of the building I want, nope on the shuttle bus I still have to walk almost as far as I was driven...and it's icy....and I just found out today my shoes have no traction. So I finally get inside and I'm still having a hard time breathing. I just tell myself to calm down and it'll be okay! We'll see. Today is just a continuation of this weekend I can tell, it's gonna suck!

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