Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why Do I feel like anxiety just follows me around!

I've been sitting here all weekend just procrastinating my homework, which is not a small pile this time. I've got a test and lesson plans and spanish study and just so much. So much, in fact, that I don't want to do anything. There is zero motivation. Then I had an interview today that I went to and it was really good, but I don't know what to make of it yet. I guess I'll just have to wait till they call me this week. I am really trying to look at the good parts of my day/life, but I seem to just be making people unhappy and that isn't fun at all. I can't explain how that just magnifies inside me and I can't shake the feeling. Well, that really is all. I can't get it all out in words I just am trying so hard and I feel like it is getting better, but arghhh! I am just so at the end of my limit tonight.

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